(Names have been changed to protect my job)
Ok so i work with this chick who was also given the blessing of having red hair. Now if you know a redhead then you know that we enjoy the attention that it brings and we seldom like to share the spotlight. So you can imagine my dismay when my new secretary turns out to be, not only the bosses daughter, but also a redhead. It was obvious, at this point, that this arrangement would prove to be a challenge. All went well for a few weeks. Training was conducted, orientation, the assignment of duties, etc. Until one morning I arrive at my office to find my door unlocked. I was puzzled. Did I forget to lock my office before I left the building last night? Surely not. I go inside and notice that there is a document on my desk that i swear i left in the bottom drawer. Upon further inspection, I see that there has been a change made to the document and that the file folder it was originally in is nowhere to be found. I pause to collect myself, and go to the front.
At this point I need to decide on a name for our friend. HMMMMM......... how bout lil'heifer?
So I approach lil'heifer's desk and ask about my file. It seems that she felt as if it would be safer in her little hands then locked in my office, and changing the document, well she was just trying to help me out, she says. So over the next few days, things of mine disappear, get moved etc. Keep in mind that this is the boss's daughter and there are only about 7 people who work in this department. So going to the boss is out of the question. So I attempt to extend the olive branch and make friends. A week later guess what I get for my effort:
1. transferred to a new department
2. demoted and stripped of my supervisory responsibilities
3. given a raise!
~~~~~ Now what kind of sense does that make?
Plenty if your enemy calls her mommy (your boss) and says she just cant work with you anymore and your boss has no reason to fire you and truly don't want to loose you as on employee cause you do your job and never call in or complain.
Funny huh?
Pray for me