Monday, June 25, 2007

Liar, Liar

Why lie to me? I have a friend that I had ordered some products from. Like 4 weeks ago. She told me that she had sent the order off and I could expect my stuff soon. I was asking around the office and found out that she really did not place the order until last week. The whole time, she had been lying to me. The worst part is that she told the other people that ordered from her the truth. THEY knew not to be expecting anything. She just keeps on with her fairy tale about the truck being late, and the company messing up the order, etc.

My question is:

Since I know for certain that she is still lying to me, do I call her on it? Or do I let it slide and just not buy anything from her again? We used to be close friends. We are no where near as close as we used to be, but I still considered us to be on a level of truth and trust. I think its pretty foul to just take my money, use it on your bills, and send the product order off when you get your paycheck 2 weeks later.

What do you think?


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Work Weak

I'm still here guys. Just buried underneath a load of paperwork. Work has been SO hectic. I had to work all weekend too. So I have not had a day off in two and a half weeks. I need rest. When I try to rest, my cell phone rings and makes more work. Heaven forbid I miss a call and someone has to leave a voice mail. You would thin the world was coming to an end. I am still glad that I made the change to this department, the money is EXCELLENT and I have been blessed to have the opportunity to learn about the procedures, but wow, it becomes overwhelming sometimes.

I have been missing reading every ones posts. I will get up to speed as soon as I can catch a break here.

I want to say a formal hello to everyone who let themselves be known to me, and do not typically comment. I appreciate each of you, thank you for taking the time out to read my thoughts. If you see something that you would like to comment on, please feel free!

I will be posting a little more often this week, so keep checking with me! I miss you guys! I'll be back soon.