Monday, March 19, 2007

Back in two weeks, I'll miss you!

I feel like you all are my friends. There are a few of you that I "comment" to almost daily. You know who you are. I want each of you to know that in the short time that I have been doing this, I have felt as if there are, at least a few, people that find me interesting. I enjoy reading each of your new posts and will have a lot of catching up and commenting to do when I return.

Don't fear that now that I have exorcised my life of the Lil' Heifer, that I will no longer have fuel for my blog! One thing I can promise you is that my life, no matter where or how I live it, will be interesting.

The only constant is change.

I really will miss you guys. I'll be back soon. Take care and be blessed!


The reply to my resignation

I want everyone to know that I did decide to go the professional route with my resignation letter. Basically it says this:


I apologize for the informal nature of this, but I felt it was the best way to reach you. I am submitting my resignation from XXXXXX. I feel that it is best for everyone involved and I have accepted a position elsewhere. Please find attached a copy of my actual resignation letter. I will also place resignations from each of the advisory boards in your box. I will be active here until March 26th. I will accept my PDO time paid out and added to my final payroll check.

I will be more than happy to assist you in re-assignment of my duties, if requested. I wish you many blessings and prosperity in the future.

Copper Stiletto

Her response was:

No Problem.

Nothing less nothing more!

I was stunned to say the least. This was Friday afternoon. I had Tracie to check my email on Saturday and was rewarded with this. But here is the BEST PART:

I get here and am told that I need not work out my notice. Leave at the end of the day today and do not return. Clean out your desk, get your shit and get out. This don't really bother me except for two issues:

1. I am missing a weeks worth of pay. This equals bills being pressed to hard dates. I now must have a rummage/garage sale.

2. I will be away from a wireless "hot spot" for approximately 2 weeks. I may be able to squeeze a few posts in here and there, but PLEASE DON"T FORGET ABOUT ME while I am gone.

I don't want to loose my readers, because I will be back.

More later today, but "forget me not"

I'll take that!

Ok, everybody sitting down? Guess what? I came in 2nd in Aussiejourno's Blog Awards.

I am so excited! Impressed! Thrilled! At a loss for words... But I promise it won't last long!

Friday, March 16, 2007


I want to introduce you to a very talented blogger : AKA chewy. Please click the link above or go to my hit list and click her blog: The back of my headboard. After reading my rantings about Lil'Heifer, chewy has made an awesome rendition of my lil'heifer, shes even RED too!! I was so impressed, both that someone found me inspirational and at the artwork itself, that asked chewy if I could feature her here. So here you go folks The Buckin Lil'Heifer in all her glory, go ahead, bask in it!!!!

(LOVE the title!)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pucker up and...

I have given her ample opportunity to express her sincere apology for all the shit that I have put up with from her daughter, or better yet make Lil' heifer apologize herself! But that isn't gonna happen.
I am debating on sending the original draft of my resignation letter or revising it to continue the professional aura that I try to carry.
I can see benefits to both avenues. But I fear that if I take the path of least conflict, I will look back upon it and wish I had taken my moment of "evil satisfaction" in pissing her off! I was followed today, by the way, by the father (guess this really is a family affair)
to quote eminem "crazy/insane or insane/crazy"
either way, they can KISS MY ASS!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bad Moon Rising

Yesterday the shit hit the fan.

Here are the highlights.

Tracie nearly beat the daylights out of "Lil Heifer"

Lil' Heifer was kicked out and her desk cleaned out

Many people shouted

The intended people cried

I was given the opportunity to express to Lil' Heifer EXACTLY what was on my mind

She admitted "watch-dogging" me and reporting insignificant things to her mommy

When prompted, she could give no reason why.

Now the outcome:

I have YET to receive an apology from 'the boss' for her and her daughter's actions, but have received word that she "desperately wants me to stay with the company" I feel that if she wants me that badly, she should feel compelled to contact me in some way. She has my mobile, both e-mails, the office number~everything that she would need to reach me. But still nothing. Hell, she could even text message me for all I care.


I have received an offer from another corporation in this area that is almost too good to pass up.

She has till the end of business today to approach me in some way, or I will get ghost on her ass real quick!

Stay tuned for updates

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A really bad day!

COLBERT, Okla. - A woman looking for a cocaine dealer called a number on her son's cell phone — only to discover she had phoned a police officer, authorities said.

Durant police Lt. Mike Woodruff said the 42-year-old woman called him by accident. His number was on her son's cell phone because he had been arrested previously on drug charges.
"She was looking through her son's cell phone directory and found my number," Woodruff said. "Her son had told her that if she ever needed help with anything to give me a call. I think she misunderstood.
"She thought she was talking to a drug dealer."
Woodruff said he played along and set up a meeting between her and an undercover officer. She and an alleged accomplice were arrested on a drug complaint.

Maybe she will pay more attention to her children next time!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Do you think she would be mad?

Please accept my resignation as Director of Business Development and Quality Coordinator, effective Monday, March 26th.

I feel very fortunate to have been associated with XXXXXX for the last year. My experiences and training have been invaluable, and I leave with many pleasant memories of Tracie, Deborah, Bonita and Tara. I also have take with me, many nightmares and headaches, most of which are attributed to the introduction of your daughter into the office dynamic.

For many months, we labored as a team to get XX operational while maintaining the integrity of XXX. The team effort worked beautifully. I feel that we made many accomplishments and were working towards excellence. I feel that my personal accomplishments went either unnoticed or unrewarded. The focus was changed from “what is she accomplishing” to “what can I catch her doing wrong.” I cannot work under these conditions and feel deeply concerned for those that I am leaving behind, for it is also unfair to them.

In the future, your business will prosper and grow much quicker, if you will consider the persons upon whom the future of your agency rests. Decisions should be made concerning employing untrained and unorganized family members, with the integrity of the business as your focus.


Copper Stiletto

Friday, March 9, 2007

Man burns genitals in 'Jackass' stunt

Man burns genitals in 'Jackass' stunt:
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. -- Attempts to do a movie stunt landed one man in the hospital with burned genitals and another facing criminal charges. The men were trying to do a stunt from one of the 'Jackass' movies, in which a character lights his genitals on fire.
Jared W. Anderson, 20, suffered serious burns to his hands and genitals, according to the criminal complaint. Randell D. Peterson, 43, who sprayed lighter fluid on Anderson and lit him on fire, was charged with felony battery and first-degree reckless endangerment Tuesday in Eau Claire County Court.
Witnesses told police that Anderson, who was drunk, volunteered to do the stunt Sunday after watching the movie, the complaint said.
According to the complaint:
Anderson pulled down his pants and let Peterson spray him with lighter fluid. When the fire didn't catch, Peterson sprayed more lighter fluid on Anderson, splashing some on his clothing. He tried again to light the fire, catching Anderson's genitals, hands and clothes.
Anderson ran into the bathroom, jumped into the tub and put the flames out. Other guests took him to Luther Hospital, and eventually he was treated at the Regions Hospital Burn Unit in St. Paul, Minn., for second-degree burns.

Anderson told police who were called to the hospital that he didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of the stunt.
Peterson was freed on a $2,000 signature bond. He has a hearing scheduled April 16. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.
Information from: Leader-Telegram,"

Some people think that 'don't try this at home' is a joke. Guess this fella will spend a little more time sobering up before he agrees to some stupid suggestion next time. I think back to some the silly things that I have let myself do over the years. Most of which were during moments of inebriation.
Thought for the day:
An altered state of mind equals altered common sense.
This is not to say that an altered state is ALWAYS a bad idea, just remove noticeable risk factors before beginning if you run with a group of impressionable friends

Thursday, March 8, 2007

A Tale of Two Redheads........

(Names have been changed to protect my job)

Ok so i work with this chick who was also given the blessing of having red hair. Now if you know a redhead then you know that we enjoy the attention that it brings and we seldom like to share the spotlight. So you can imagine my dismay when my new secretary turns out to be, not only the bosses daughter, but also a redhead. It was obvious, at this point, that this arrangement would prove to be a challenge. All went well for a few weeks. Training was conducted, orientation, the assignment of duties, etc. Until one morning I arrive at my office to find my door unlocked. I was puzzled. Did I forget to lock my office before I left the building last night? Surely not. I go inside and notice that there is a document on my desk that i swear i left in the bottom drawer. Upon further inspection, I see that there has been a change made to the document and that the file folder it was originally in is nowhere to be found. I pause to collect myself, and go to the front.

At this point I need to decide on a name for our friend. HMMMMM......... how bout lil'heifer?

So I approach lil'heifer's desk and ask about my file. It seems that she felt as if it would be safer in her little hands then locked in my office, and changing the document, well she was just trying to help me out, she says. So over the next few days, things of mine disappear, get moved etc. Keep in mind that this is the boss's daughter and there are only about 7 people who work in this department. So going to the boss is out of the question. So I attempt to extend the olive branch and make friends. A week later guess what I get for my effort:

1. transferred to a new department
2. demoted and stripped of my supervisory responsibilities
3. given a raise!

~~~~~ Now what kind of sense does that make?
Plenty if your enemy calls her mommy (your boss) and says she just cant work with you anymore and your boss has no reason to fire you and truly don't want to loose you as on employee cause you do your job and never call in or complain.
Funny huh?
Pray for me

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Eye Candy

This is just some things that I like. For one reason or another. Wanted to share them.
Notice the lack of faces.
It gives them a more surreal feel.
Can you tell that I am in a cryptic mood today?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Chocolate Therapy

I love chocolate. Dark chocolate, not milk or white, but bittersweet dark chocolate is pure ecstasy.
The way it feels smooth and creamy, as it melts slowly in your mouth...............
So, I was so pleased to hear that the is some truth to all the rumors that dark chocolate is actually good for you.
It seems that the dark variety can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent diabetes, and ever help you de-stress.
There are now pure dark chocolate baths to be enjoyed. The antioxidants in 'dark' rid your skin of free radicals and also help to improve its overall elasticity.
So enjoy, as I am now, some dark chocolate and read some of your favorite blogs. Think of it as therapy and relax.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Watch your mail folks!

Body parts delivered to Michigan home - Yahoo! News

CASCADE TOWNSHIP, Mich. - Two packages containing human body parts — including a liver and part of a head — meant for a medical research lab instead were delivered to a home.

The body parts, sent from China, were mistakenly dropped off Thursday at Franck and Ludivine Larmande's home by a DHL express driver who believed the bubble-wrapped items were pieces to a table.
"My husband started to unwrap one and said, 'This is strange, it looks like a liver,'" Ludivine Larmande said. "He started the second one, but stopped as soon as we saw the ear.
"Something wasn't right. It was scary, and I'm glad I didn't open them."
The couple called Kent County sheriff's deputies, who determined the preserved body parts were for medical research, Lt. Roger Parent said.

Authorities believe 28 more bubble-wrapped human organs and body parts could be dispersed across the country, The Grand Rapids Press reported. Two of five packages headed to the northern Michigan lab broke open, scattering their contents.
"There will definitely be a shock to people if they see these things, but there is no hazard to health," Parent said.
DHL is investigating whether it should have shipped the body parts and how the packages were dispersed, spokesman Robert Mints said.

Ok someone tell me this, if "Authorities" believe that there is 28 more body parts out there just floating around, what the hell are they doing to relocate them? If I had a family member to leave their body to science, I would be so trippin right now. "Who knows where uncle Jon's feet or pancreas is now, but hey, he always loved to travel" Seriously, does it not seem that there should be a way of tracking where the other 'parts' are. Funny how the authorities don't seem to be in much of a rush to find them. Guess they plan to just wait till some old lady has a heart attack when the FexEx truck pulls away.

Wow, just Wow.

I am so proud!!!

Yes I have done it! Don't ask me how but I have!! I have been listed on the Top 30 Blogs list!!

David McMahon hosts this list and chooses weekly. Thing is, you don't have to be huge to win. So go and nominate your favorite blogs, nominate me again if you really like me, but either way, check it out! I was so impressed!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

What to write?

Do you ever sit and think, what am I gonna write about today? I am rarely at a loss for words but today I am. It has been an exhausting week. Work has been murder, meetings, presentations, employees walking off the job. (don't let me get started on some peoples' work ethics) I am just really over it all! And today is just Thursday, so I have all day to get through tomorrow without seriously injuring someone in this office!!!! I need a vacation and a cigarette. Not in that order!

I would also like a nice stiff drink. In fact......... In approx 1.5 hours, I will be having just that.

Today is a dear friend of mine's birthday. I think we are gonna take him out to dinner and chill at my house tonight. He lives about 2 cities east of here, so he may end up crashing on the couch, but he don't know it yet.

I have no real topic today to try to match a picture to, so today you are just gonna get a few that I seem to connect with, or that interest me for some reason or another. Hope every one has a safe night.

Granny finds grenade in groceries - Yahoo! News

Granny finds grenade in groceries - Yahoo! News

This is just amazing. I truly do not understand how this passed inspection. AND (see how my mind works) what about the actual monetary value of the grenade? Being that old, I am certain that there is a collector that would have paid alot of money for that thing, but alas, it has been detonated, says the report. E-bay would have had a field day!!!