Friday, March 16, 2007


I want to introduce you to a very talented blogger : AKA chewy. Please click the link above or go to my hit list and click her blog: The back of my headboard. After reading my rantings about Lil'Heifer, chewy has made an awesome rendition of my lil'heifer, shes even RED too!! I was so impressed, both that someone found me inspirational and at the artwork itself, that asked chewy if I could feature her here. So here you go folks The Buckin Lil'Heifer in all her glory, go ahead, bask in it!!!!

(LOVE the title!)


Anonymous said...

Ms Stiletto you flatter me. - blush - Thank you. It's fun and inspiring to connect with other bloggers.

copper stiletto said...

It was my pleasure! Thank you for letting me! Thank you for making her in the first place! Have a marvelous day!

Ak-Man said...

Thanks for the nomination Copper . . . I made the list! (BIG Grin)

You did too, you came 2nd!

I was quite pleased when I saw you there at the top cos your blog is one of my favourites!