Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A really bad day!

COLBERT, Okla. - A woman looking for a cocaine dealer called a number on her son's cell phone — only to discover she had phoned a police officer, authorities said.

Durant police Lt. Mike Woodruff said the 42-year-old woman called him by accident. His number was on her son's cell phone because he had been arrested previously on drug charges.
"She was looking through her son's cell phone directory and found my number," Woodruff said. "Her son had told her that if she ever needed help with anything to give me a call. I think she misunderstood.
"She thought she was talking to a drug dealer."
Woodruff said he played along and set up a meeting between her and an undercover officer. She and an alleged accomplice were arrested on a drug complaint.

Maybe she will pay more attention to her children next time!!

1 comment:

Bart said...

What a dumbass.

Kind of reminds me of this Cops episode Jessie and I caught by relative accident not too long ago. By relative accident I mean it was on the TV when we stopped watching a recording or something.

Anyway, this cop pulls over a teenage girl, she's definitely skittish and showing signs of guilt and she's in a sketchy area. The cop is super duper nice, all things considered, and he gives her an out. He feeds a pretty duplicitous line about telling her if she has anything on her (I wish I could remember exactly what he said because it definitely was supposed to make her seem like she'd get to walk away if she owned up to it, but if you read between the lines you knew she'd still be in trouble), and she keeps going no, I have nothing. He basically tricks her in to consenting to search the car, and lo and behold, he finds plenty of drugs to arrest her.

My first thought is, if they give you even the slightest out, TAKE IT. That whole searching thing is a bit of a lark. If you refuse, they've got probable cause. If you let them, and you know you've got stuff in there, these are trained law enforcement officers. THEY...WILL...FIND...IT. You won't luck out. They know the tricks.

To sum up, and make a long story short: People are stupid.