Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My secrets

Everyone here already knows that I am a huge fan of I was reading this weeks entrys and the very first one reminded me of a secret of my own. SO.. I decided to make a list of some of my secrets, that if I had time, I would make postcards for and mail in myself. I wonder if this will be embarrasing or liberating, but here goes:

Since my grandfather passed away, every time I see an old man I have the urge to run up and hug him. Usually I just try not to cry.

I am embarrased that I had my first child at 15

I blame myself for my second childs disability, I feel like my body failed her

I am never satisfied

I get mad when I see happy couples, I thought that we all should be able to have that

I am jealous of Barbie, she has everything that I want

When I get stressed, I have an alternate life that I revert to in my subconcious

I happen to LOVE the fact that I am adopted and it makes me mad when people say

"Oh, thats so sad!"

I compare myself to almost every woman I meet.

..... thats enough for now


phaseoutgirl said...

My dear Copper,

I share your secret 5, that one about the couples. Sometimes I feel the same way too...

You are a brave soul to write these all down.... maybe i will be too, one day..

x Cecilia

copper stiletto said...

thank you, it was a strange but liberating post, and #5 is a big one for me!

Doug said...

Hi Copper,
My late father used to say without mistakes how would we know when we did something right?
Simple but good advice. My oldest brother is adopted as well so I relate to your feelings.
Take care of yourself and enjoy life
since time passes faster than you might realise.


The Mad Doctor said...

Wow. Very candid and moving.

I feel the same way about elderly women; I miss my grandmother so much.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

It's funny how a few short sentances can tell such a lot about a person. I think I could like this particular person, quite a bit.

copper stiletto said...

I must say that this one, as short as it is, took alot out of me and put alot about me out there, i was worried that I would be less likable, but SWS has reassured me. And Doug, you father was right. And Dr., I am glad that someone else understands my pain.

Thanks to each and every one of you!!

Ak-Man said...

I can relate to a few of the ones you put up . . . I wont say which ones though . . . keepin it a secret ; )

As for never being satisfied, Who really ever is?